Wednesday 23 February 2011

America is broke! - Gold knows it!

Greg Hunter knows it! He's telling his citizens. Not everyone is going to like what they hear!
Additional debt over the next 2 years is probably around $3TRILLION dollars. The Piper will be paid in one form or another. Gold knows it!

By Greg Hunter’s (Revised)

Saturday, the House of Representatives passed legislation with more than $60 billion of budget cuts.  It is the proverbial “drop in the bucket” when compared to the $14.1 trillion (and counting) outstanding federal debt.  Soon, this ever increasing national debt will eclipse the Gross Domestic Product (GDP.)   That means America will owe more than all the goods and services it produces in one year.  When you owe more than you make, isn’t that a sign you need to change course?  The new Speaker of the House, John Boehner, said this just after the budget cut vote, “We will not stop here in our efforts to cut spending, not when we’re broke and Washington’s spending binge is making it harder to create jobs.” I think it is ironic Congress wants to cut $60 billion today and then turn around and consider raising the debt ceiling $1 trillion tomorrow.  This is crazy, but that is exactly what’s going to happen because if we don’t, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner says it could cause, catastrophic damage to the economy.”

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