Wednesday 2 March 2011

When Private goes public - ding ding ding?

This article decribes Glencore as the Goldman Sachs of Commodities. Why list, why now? The last big Pivate equity IPO was Blackstone in 2007 - good timing! Is this also a good time to de-risk if you are long term owner of a commodity business? You can make an argument for access to capital markets etc etc but taking some money off the table probably makes sense even if they are early.

The firm currently operates as a privately held partnership, with staff sharing the profits according to a performance-based incentives scheme. Sources familiar with Glencore's plans say it may list 20 percent of the company, possibly split between the London Stock Exchange and Hong Kong. Such a listing could yield up to $16 billion and value the firm at as much as $60 billion.

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