Tuesday, 1 March 2011

The wise men (with the grey hair) are saying...

Jim Rogers:
"The best sector that I know in the world economy is going to continue to be commodities," Rogers said Monday. "We have huge shortages of everything developing. The facts are we are running out of known reserves of everything and shortages are going to get worse," he added.

M Faber:
The private sector debt growth has slowed down but it has turned up again. At the same time we have, of course, a huge expansion in government debt. That should not be forgotten.
These crackup booms don’t last. They are not sustainable but they can last six months to one year to 18 months and then a renewed setback occurs in the global economy.

J Grantham:
“As a simple rule, the market will tend to rise as long as short rates are kept low. This seems likely to be the case for eight more months and, therefore, we have to be prepared for the market to rise and to have a risky bias. . . . All of the famous bubbles broke, but only after short rates had started to rise, sometimes for quite a while. . . . The very famous, very large bubbles also often give another type of warning. Probably knowing they are dancing close to the cliff and yet reluctant to stop, late in bubbles investors often migrate to safer stocks, and risky stocks betray their high betas by underperforming. We can get into the details another time, but suffice it to say that there are usually warnings, sometimes several, before a bubble breaks. Overvaluation must be present to define a bubble, but it is not a useful warning in and of itself.”


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