Wednesday 12 September 2012

Ray says - you don't know history or economics if you don't hold GOLD

We all get heaps of stuff to read or listen to…do yourself a favour…it is one hr long video…find some time tonight…it will give you a good understanding of the macro world…


Gold is a currency. Throughout the history, I won't tell you in length, money was like a check in a checkbook and what you would do was get your gold and gold was like a medium. So gold is one of the currencies-- We have dollars, we have euros, we have yen and we have gold.

And if you get into a situation where there's an alternative in this world, where we're looking at 'What are the alternatives?' and the best alternative becomes clearly one thing, something like gold, there becomes a risk in that.

Now it doesn't have the capacity. The capacity of moving money into gold in a large number is a extremely limited. So the players in this world that I have contact with that move that money really don't view gold as an effective alternative, but it could be a barometer and it is an alternative for smaller amounts of money.

To this, Bartiromo asked if he owns gold.
"Oh yeah. I do. I think anybody, look let's be clear, that I think anybody who doesn't have...There's no sensible reason not to have some. If you're going to own a currency, it's not sensible not to own gold. Now it depends on the amount of gold. But if you don't own, I don't know 10%, if you don't have that and that depends on the world, then there's no sensible reason other than you don't know history and you don't know the economics of it.

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