Sunday 9 September 2012

this will get a few more interested...the tsunami is getting closer to shore...

I just think it will be higher than it is today and certainly a better investment than a bond or stock, which will probably return only 3% to 4% over the next 5 to 10 years....B Gross the largest Bond Manager in the world
I don’t want to need to analyse and arrive at it you believe need to look at what is occurring and think it through, without reading the Financial Review or WSJ.
Consider the questions:
3.5 yrs after the GFC we have another round of QE – why?
China to stimulate – why?
US Fed to announce another easing in Sept?...Why?
Is history any guide to the repayment of massive debt build up?
Is their a message in the Gold market?
If something dramatic is happening or about to happen – will the many see it or the few?

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