Wednesday 17 October 2012

in 1965 Charles De Gaulle said this...

“The fact that many countries, accept as a principle, dollars being as good as gold, for the payment of the differences existing to their advantage in the American balance of trade,” said De Gaulle, “this fact, leads Americans, to get into debt and to get into debt for free at the expense of other countries. Because what the US owes them it is paid, at least in part, with dollars the are the only ones allowed to emit. Considering the serious consequences a crisis would have in such a domain, we think that measures must be taken on time to avoid it.

We consider necessary that international trade be established as it was the case before the great misfortunes of the world, on a indisputable monetary base, and one that does not bear the mark of any particular country. Which base ? In truth no one sees how one could really have any standard criterion other than GOLD !”

Yet people have "faith" to flock to dollars now?

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