Saturday 16 March 2013

Cypriot depositors learn about "safe" assets, the hard way!

International lenders agreed to a €10bn bailout of Cyprus early on Saturday morning after 10 hours of fraught negotiations, which included convincing Nicosia to seize €5.8bn from Cypriot bank deposits to help pay for the rescue, a first for any eurozone bailout.
The cash from Cypriot account holders will come in the form of a one-time 9.9 per cent levy on all deposits over €100,000 that will be slashed from their savings before banks reopen Tuesday, a day after a Cypriot holiday. An additional 6.75 per cent levy will be imposed on deposits below that level.

Those hiding cash or gold under their mattress...are 7% to 10% better off!

Implications: If you live in Italy, Greece or Spain do you take the risk and keep your "safe" assets in a a bank? NFW!

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