Saturday 16 March 2013

Gold market unloved - Gold shares despised

Equity markets have been very upbeat the last 4 months or so. Meanwhile gold has been travelling sideways for nearly 20 months. Sentiment is very low and hedge fund managers are short.
The gold equities have been a very poor investment down close to 40%. Why hold them?

Becasue, nothing has been fixed - global liquidity by the central bankers is the key policy right now. Gold will reflect it soon and in due course the equities will follow. The train has nobody on it!

Eric has some very good points in this article. A great analysis, by a very careful and thoughtful watcher of markets.

While Dan Norcini notes,

“Today the hedge funds are short a staggering 68,700 contracts. What makes this number even more amazing is that it represents an astounding 10+% of the entire open interest in the gold market of 667,000 contracts. So this is by far the hedge funds’ largest short position in percentage terms in history.
The bottom line is I don’t recall seeing anything like this since this bull market began 12 years ago. The hedge funds are now essentially battling against Middle-East and Far-East central banks and commercial banks. The problem is these central banks are behemoths compared to the hedge funds. 

Something has to give!

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